Today's Weather
Dress Code

We would like everyone to enjoy their time at Cambridge Golf Club. The Club has a relaxed but tidy approach to dress, both on the Course and in the Clubhouse.


Our vision is for the game of Golf to be inclusive and not intimidating.  While not every one will have the 'correct' clothing available, we do respectfully ask that all players enjoying our course does maintain a conservative dress code.  Collared shirts are ideal, and if you have one, please do wear it.  Otherwise, a smart shirt that covers shoulders and midriff is required.  Please no booty shorts, rugby shorts or swimming trunks.  Ladies, gym leggings are fine, or smart dress shorts.  We have a well stocked shop, where you can purchase a suitable shirt for next time we see you.  





Please avoid wearing rugby or league jerseys and shorts. Jeans are just fine provided they are smart dress style, and not ripped or torn.  We cannot accept any patches or gang paraphenalia on our premises, and kindly ask that these insignia are not on display while you are a guest of ours.  


Appropriate footwear on the Course and the Driving Range includes golf shoes with soft spikes or casual shoes. Jandals and work boots are not appropriate.  This is to protect both our greens, and yourself.  There are undulations on the course and unsuitable footware for walking in may lead to a rolled ankle.

Please do not wear the shoes that have been on the course in the clubrooms.


Take care in the sun by using sun screen and wearing an appropriate hat.  We have sun block in the office, so please ask.  There are hats for sale in the shop.

Peaked caps should be worn peak forward, not backwards.  

Don't wear your hat in the clubroom or you might find yourself shouting the bar.